Using only the built-in and free plugins, create this FX in AE. 
In this tutorial, I use Adobe After Effects' included effects and two free plugins from Video Copilot to recreate the look of flaming plasma as a spacecraft enters Earth's atmosphere. CC Particle World is used to make the flames, sparks and smoke. I use VC Orb to create the rock falling to the planet and VC Saber as a way of creating a firey surround to the plummeting asteroid.

X = thisComp.layer("Meteor NULL").transform.position[0]+effect("3D Point Control")("3D Point")[0];
Y = thisComp.layer("Meteor NULL").transform.position[1]+effect("3D Point Control")("3D Point")[1];
Z = thisComp.layer("Meteor NULL").transform.position[2]+effect("3D Point Control")("3D Point")[2];

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